We do not have direct resources.
Here are lists of financial assistance locations
and groups that have activities
Community Resources
Elected Officials
Anchorage Assembly Members: http://www.muni.org/Departments/Assembly/Pages/About%20Us%20-%20Member%20Profiles.aspx
Look up and Contact Your Alaska Legislature: http://w3.legis.state.ak.us/
Financial Assistance | General Assistance
How to File for Unemployment: https://labor.alaska.gov/unemployment/
Cook Inlet Tribal Council: https://citci.org/
Central Council Tlingit and Haida: www.ccthita.org/
United Way: https://liveunitedanc.org
Municipality of Anchorage: www.muni.org
First Alaskans Institute: https://firstalaskans.org/
YWCA Alaska: https://ywcaak.org/
Anchorage Community Land Trust: https://anchoragelandtrust.org/
Lutheran Social Services: https://lssalaska.org
Catholic Social Services: https://cssalaska.org
Alaska Community Foundation: https://alaskacf.org
Beans Cafe: https://www.beanscafe.org/
Food Bank: https://www.foodbankofalaska.org/
Alaska Housing
Neighborworks Alaska